Board Meeting Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, The Sanitary Board of Bluefield, Board of Directors meet on the fourth (4th) Thursday of every month @ 09:00am in the conference room of the City of Bluefield, West Virginia Office.

Most meetings will take place in the conference room of the City of Bluefield, West Virginia Offices. Occasionally, the venue will be changed to the conference room of the Town of Bluefield, Virginia Offices. Meeting dates and times are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. The schedule for the next Sanitary Board of Bluefield, Board Meeting can be obtained from the Sanitary Board of Bluefield by calling the office at 304-325-3681(M-F 8:00am to 04:00pm), on the Sanitary Board of Bluefield Facebook page, or by checking back on this website. Thank you for your cooperation.

Board Meeting @ City of Bluefield, WV Board Room or Town of Bluefield, VA Council Chambers
Apr 24 @ 9:00 am

The Sanitary Board of Bluefield typically meets on the 4th Thursday of each month to review the prior months business and discuss plans, operations and other business for the coming months. These meetings are typically held in the Board Room at the City of Bluefield, WV City Hall (100 Rogers Street, Bluefield, WV). A few times per year the meeting is moved to the Council Chambers at the Town of Bluefield, VA Town Hall (112 Huffard Drive, Bluefield, VA). If you question the location in a given month please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 304-325-3681 for detailed information. We welcome public attendance and look forward to public participation in the discussions of our operations.

Board Meeting @ City of Bluefield, WV Board Room or Town of Bluefield, VA Council Chambers
May 22 @ 9:00 am

The Sanitary Board of Bluefield typically meets on the 4th Thursday of each month to review the prior months business and discuss plans, operations and other business for the coming months. These meetings are typically held in the Board Room at the City of Bluefield, WV City Hall (100 Rogers Street, Bluefield, WV). A few times per year the meeting is moved to the Council Chambers at the Town of Bluefield, VA Town Hall (112 Huffard Drive, Bluefield, VA). If you question the location in a given month please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 304-325-3681 for detailed information. We welcome public attendance and look forward to public participation in the discussions of our operations.

Board Meeting @ City of Bluefield, WV Board Room or Town of Bluefield, VA Council Chambers
Jun 26 @ 9:00 am

The Sanitary Board of Bluefield typically meets on the 4th Thursday of each month to review the prior months business and discuss plans, operations and other business for the coming months. These meetings are typically held in the Board Room at the City of Bluefield, WV City Hall (100 Rogers Street, Bluefield, WV). A few times per year the meeting is moved to the Council Chambers at the Town of Bluefield, VA Town Hall (112 Huffard Drive, Bluefield, VA). If you question the location in a given month please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 304-325-3681 for detailed information. We welcome public attendance and look forward to public participation in the discussions of our operations.

Board Meeting @ City of Bluefield, WV Board Room or Town of Bluefield, VA Council Chambers
Jul 24 @ 9:00 am

The Sanitary Board of Bluefield typically meets on the 4th Thursday of each month to review the prior months business and discuss plans, operations and other business for the coming months. These meetings are typically held in the Board Room at the City of Bluefield, WV City Hall (100 Rogers Street, Bluefield, WV). A few times per year the meeting is moved to the Council Chambers at the Town of Bluefield, VA Town Hall (112 Huffard Drive, Bluefield, VA). If you question the location in a given month please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 304-325-3681 for detailed information. We welcome public attendance and look forward to public participation in the discussions of our operations.

Board Meeting @ City of Bluefield, WV Board Room or Town of Bluefield, VA Council Chambers
Aug 28 @ 9:00 am

The Sanitary Board of Bluefield typically meets on the 4th Thursday of each month to review the prior months business and discuss plans, operations and other business for the coming months. These meetings are typically held in the Board Room at the City of Bluefield, WV City Hall (100 Rogers Street, Bluefield, WV). A few times per year the meeting is moved to the Council Chambers at the Town of Bluefield, VA Town Hall (112 Huffard Drive, Bluefield, VA). If you question the location in a given month please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 304-325-3681 for detailed information. We welcome public attendance and look forward to public participation in the discussions of our operations.



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